Materjale kogemusnõustamisest eesti keeles:

Sotsiaalministeerium. (2016). Kogemusnõustamise soovituslik juhend

Okas, Marit   “Kogemusnõustamise teenus Arengukeskus Avitus näitel”, 2016
sotsiaaltöö bakalaureusetöö. Teooriaosa sisaldab kogemusnõustamise valdkonna uusimate teadustööde koondrefereeringut.

Mäe, K. (2014). Kogemusnõustamine – kogukonnapõhise sotsiaaltöö lisaressurss. Sotsiaaltöö, 2.”

Matsko, Reena “Kogemusnõustajate visioon Eestis, uurimistöö sh teoreetiline taust

Eesti Vaimse Tervise ja Heaolu Koalitsioon (2016). Vaimse tervise strateegia 2016-2025” 

Sotsiaalkindlustusamet (2016), Sotsiaalvaldkonna spetsialistide pädevuse toetamine hoolekandeteenuste osutamiseks 

Mis on kogemusnõustamine, Eesti Aspergerite Ühing

Materjale kogemusnõustamisest inglise keeles:

Bratstreet, S. (2006). Harnessing the ‘lived experience’: Formalising peer support approaches to promote. The Mental Health Review, 2, 1-4.

Davidson, L., Chinman, M., Sells, D., & Rowe, M. (2006). Peer Support Among Adults With Serious Mental Illness: A Report From the Field, Schizophrenia Bulletin

Davidson, L., Bellamy, C., Guy, K., & Miller, R. (2012). Peer support among persons with severe mental illnesses: a review of evidence and experience. World Psychiatry

Doughty, C., & Tse, S. (2011). Can consumer-led mental health services be equally effective? An integrative review of CLMH services in high-income countries. Community Ment Health

Mead, S. (2014). Defining Peer Support. Intentional Peer Support.

Mead, S., Hilton, D., & Curtis, L. (2001). Peer support: A theoretical perspective. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal,

O’Hagan, M. (2011). Peer support in mental health and addictions. A backround paper. Kites Trust

Pfeiffer, P. N., Heisler,M., Piette, J. D., Rogers, M. A., & Valenstein, M. (2011). Efficacy of peer support interventions for depression: a meta-analysis.General Hospital Psychiatry

Repper, J. (2013). Peer Support Workers: Theory and Practice. Centre for Mental Health and Mental Health Network, NHS Confederation.

Salzer, M. S. (2002). Consumer-Delivered Services as a Best Practice in Mental Health Care Delivery and The Development of Practice Guidelines

Solomon, P. (2004). Peer Support/PeerProvided Services Underlying Processes ,Benefits, and Critical Ingredients. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 

Usser, J., Kirsten, L., Butov, P., & Sandoval, M. (2006). What do cancer groups provide which other supportive relationships do not? The experience of peer support groups for people with cancer. Social Science & Medicine


Wilken, J. P. (2013) The Care Europe Peer Support.

White, W. L. (2009). Peer-based Addiction Recovery Support History, Theory, Practice, and Scientific Evaluation

Repper, J. (2015). Recovery and Social Inclusion.Where are we and where are we going?

Koondanud Marit Okas

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